👩🏽‍💻 Copy new Jitsi meeting URL to clipboard (and open it optionally)☎️


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Copies a random Jitsi Meeting URL to clipboard and offers to open it

// Name: New Jitsi Meeting URL
// Description: Copies a random Jitsi Meeting URL to clipboard and offers to open it
// Author: Vogelino
// Twitter: @soyvogelino
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
const { hri } = await npm("human-readable-ids");
const newMeetingSlug = hri.random();
const newMeetingUrl = `https://meet.jit.si/${newMeetingSlug}`;
await copy(newMeetingUrl);
const shouldBrowse = await arg("Do you want to open the link?", [
{ name: "No", description: "💾 - just copy", value: false },
{ name: "Yes", description: "💾 + ↗️ - copy and open", value: true },
shouldBrowse && browse(newMeetingUrl);