Play the main BBC Radio stations, with a nice little visual as to what the current show is. Easy to add new station just by changing the choices passed to station
. Forgive me for putting 6music first, although, I'm not really sorry about that 😛
I'm assuming this won't work well for anybody outside of the UK unfortunately.
// Name: BBC Sounds Player// Description: Stream a radio station from BBC Sounds// Author: Josh Davenport-Smith// Twitter: @jdprtsimport "@johnlindquist/kit";import { WidgetAPI } from "@johnlindquist/kit/types/pro";const PLAYER_WIDTH = 180;const PLAYER_HEIGHT = 195;const getStyles = () => `:root {--player-width: ${PLAYER_WIDTH}px;--player-height: ${PLAYER_HEIGHT}px;--header-offset: 25px;--footer-offset: 25px;--scale: 2.2;}#player {width: var(--player-width);height: var(--player-height);overflow: hidden;position: relative;}iframe {position: absolute;left: 0;width: calc(var(--player-width) * var(--scale));height: calc((var(--player-height) * var(--scale)) + (var(--header-offset) * var(--scale)) + (var(--footer-offset) * var(--scale)));top: calc(var(--header-offset) * -1);transform: scale(calc(1 / var(--scale)));transform-origin: 0 0;}`;const getScripts = (station: string) => `(() => {const playerContainer = document.getElementById('player');const url = '${station}';const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');iframe.setAttribute('src', url);iframe.setAttribute('enablejsapi', true);playerContainer.appendChild(iframe);})();`;const station = await arg('Select station', [{name: '6 Music',value: '6music',img: '',},{name: 'Radio 1',value: 'radio_one',img: '',},{name: 'Radio 2',value: 'radio_two',img: '',},{name: 'Radio 3',value: 'radio_three',img: '',},{name: 'Radio 4',value: 'radio_fourfm',img: '',},{name: 'Radio Five Live',value: 'radio_five_live',img: '',},{name: 'World Service',value: 'world_service',img: '',},])const w: WidgetAPI = await widget(`<div id="player"></div><style type="text/css">${getStyles()}</style><script type="text/javascript">${getScripts(station)}</script>`,{ alwaysOnTop: true });w.setSize(PLAYER_WIDTH, PLAYER_HEIGHT);w.onClick(event => event.targetId === "x" && w.close());w.onResized(() => w.setSize(PLAYER_WIDTH, PLAYER_HEIGHT));